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Our Story

In 2019 our family bought a farm that was used for crops and we decided to transform it into a beef cattle farm. We wanted to know what type of and how healthy the beef was we were feeding our family. We also wanted to be able to teach our children how business works. We wanted to show them and develop within them a strong work ethic, a sense of pride, and an understanding of start to finish business entrepreneurship coupled with a customer service mindset. After a strenuous three years of converting crop fields to pasture, planting grazing grasses that are healthy for cattle, installing water lines and watering troughs, run in sheds for shelter, researching premium finishing grains, finding and developing a relationship with our butcher for USDA processing and packaging, we are very pleased to announce that our goals are finally at the starting gate of completion and we are elated with our beef quality, taste, and most of all the health benefits of our cattle! Please join our family in this journey. We look forward to serving you!